Friday, February 13, 2015

The More You Know...

Are you more scared of sharks, or high school and college football? The facts are high school and college football are actually more dangerous than sharks. There’s one fatal shark attack every two years, while twelve high school and college football players die each year. What do you think is the most dangerous, riding in motor vehicles, or planes? The chance of being killed in a motor vehicle is one in 7,700. While the chance of being killed in a plane is one in eleven million. Some Kingman Middle schoolers were asked one of the two questions. Noah Smith and Deanna Cheatum were asked what do they think is more dangerous, sharks, or high school and college football? Deanna Cheatum said that she thought sharks were more dangerous, Noah Smith, on the other hand, thought high school football was more dangerous, but he still did say sharks are scarier. Bailey Beck and Alex Bennett were asked what are they more scared of, planes or cars? Alex Bennett and Bailey Beck said that planes were scarier, but as a side note Bailey Beck said that he knew cars are more dangerous, but planes are still scarier. The more you know…

By Ian Rottering