Monday, March 30, 2015

Would You Rather??

The Kingman Middle School teachers and students where asked the following questions:

Coke or Pepsi?
21/40 people said coke and the other 19 people said Pepsi and 2 people said neither.

Would you rather ride an elephant or a giraffe?
12/41 people said elephant and the other 29 said giraffe.

Would you rather eat sardine or jellyfish pizza for the rest or your life?
16/41 people said sardine and the other 25 people said jellyfish.

Apples or bananas?
20/45 people said apple and the other 25 people said banana!

By Taij McClaflin

Who's You Role Model?

This week middle school students and teachers were asked "Who is your role model."
Hannah Pierce
Dallas Dent
Cousin Zach
Wyatt Smith
Bailey Taylor
Madelyn Huhman
Riley Krehbiel
Troy Polamayn
Reece Lampe
Neil Armstrong
Garrett Willert
Kane Milford
Cady Zoeller
Lucas Streight
Cady Zoeller
Deanna Cheatum
Asia Ray
Mrs. Clover
Mom / Grandma
Mr. Wilmott
Mrs. Knoblauch
Mrs. Balakrishnan
Old Teacher
Ms. Hepburn
Seven out of fifteen people said their role model was one of their parents or both of their parents.

By Bobbi Fairchild and Cady Zoeller