Thursday, January 22, 2015

Happy Groundhog Day!!

Fun Facts About Groundhogs

Groundhogs go 150 days without food.
They are mammals.
They are Herbivores, which means they eat just plants.
Groundhogs are members of the squirrel family.
Groundhogs usually live for two to three years, but have the ability to live up to six years.
They have very good eyesight.
They have very sensitive hearing. 

What are you doing on Groundhog’s Day, February 2nd?

Cady Zoeller, Deanna Cheatum and Garrett Willert said they will be hanging out with friends.  Eric Fairchild and Cory Drake said they will be out goose hunting, Nate Myrick will be playing his video games, Ian Rottering will be doing nothing, Kasey Picket will be out riding four-wheelers around and Mason Munz said he will be lazy that day.  

By: Noah Smith