Friday, April 11, 2014

Least Favorite Candy

 What’s your least favorite candy?  Well, Jayden Garrison doesn’t like Butterfingers.  Lauren Boor doesn’t like peppermints.  Have you ever heard of someone who doesn’t like Heath Bars?  Because Jenna Thornton doesn’t!  If you’re a Nerd, don’t expect D.J. Hoyt to like you. Tori Williams doesn’t like Snickers. Do you want to taste the rainbow?  Because Ian Rottering  doesn’t.  Garret Willertt doesn’t have taste buds for Pretzel M&Ms. Owen  Pearce isn’t a huge fan of black licorice. Also, can you believe Jessa Armantrout does not like chocolate???

By Kate Reid, Danica Koster, Brooke Raymond, Abby Fairchild and Amie Fisher