Monday, March 3, 2014

Polar Bear Club

Have you ever heard of a club that seems completely crazy? Have you even considered joining that club? One of the most known of the many crazy clubs is the Polar Bear Club. The Polar Bear Club is a group of people who will jump into a water source that is frozen or near freezing. Members of the Polar Bear Club live all over the world. Most of the members live near the ocean.  However, some live by lakes or rivers. One thing that differentiates them from others is that they will jump in in very little clothing. Most of them only were a pair of shorts or a bikini. However, some of the less crazed will swim wearing normal clothing. I for one recently joined the club. My polar plunge happened because I was on an island in my pond with my cousins and our kayak floated away. So, I had to jump in and swim after it so we wouldn’t be stuck there all night. Many of the members have even recorded videos of themselves swimming. Unfortunately, my experience wasn’t recorded, but you could Google videos of others for some entertainment.
By Alex Huhman