The word dog to most people refers to a house
dog, hunting dog, or a herding dog. But in reality, not many people with a
typical house dog know exactly where dogs came from.
Dogs originally came from wolves. Some people
might think that’s insane because people mostly know them as blood thirsty
But in reality a long while back people on farms were hunting wolves just because they were killing cows,
sheep, chickens, or other farm animals to survive.
A long time ago, dogs were tamed. They were used for keeping the
clans or colonies of people safe from bears. They were first seen when people
left scraps of meat they didn’t finish so the dogs could get that meat to eat.
But these dogs didn’t look like dogs, they looked just like wolves.
Dogs come in many shapes and sizes, like how the
Chihuahua which is small, and the Irish wolfhound which is massive. The Chihuahua can
weigh from 4 to 10 pounds; both male and female weigh the same. However, an Irish
wolfhound can weigh from 40 to 200 pounds.
Dogs are descendants of wolves and the wolves
need our help. There are many different species of wolves that are endangered
because either the water and food supply or because humans are hunting them to death because of their livestock.
The most endangered wolf is the red
wolf; their numbers are extremely low and we need to help them.
By Noa Henning