Everyone has
a favorite word. Students and faculty at Kingman Elementary and Middle School were asked to select their favorite word.
Mrs. Milford likes the word onomatopoeia, which is a form of poetry. Jaden
Capps’ word is mustache. Mustache is the hair that grows under your nose.
Mythuis Yeadon’s word is mangina, which is the place between your thumb and
pointer finger. Mrs. Knoblauch finds the
word schneikes hilarious, but it’s not a real word. Natasha McClure said the
word confuzzled is to be confused about something. Tory Pettit says the word
flabbergasted is the funniest word ever, which means to overcome with surprise.
These are pretty funny words, but can you think of a funnier one? If so, e-mail
Britney Brooner at broonerbri@usd331.org.
By Amie Fisher and Britney Brooner