Thursday, March 13, 2014

Favorite Scary Movies

What’s Your Favorite Scary Movie?
You know that feeling you get when you watch a scary movie? The feeling that someone is watching you? Well, many people love watching scary movies, so we wanted to know what some scary movies our friends like to watch. Kingman Middle School students were asked about this and this is what they said.

Madison Miller: Scream2
Xavier Arens: Hills Have Eyes
Mrs. Milford: Alien (the old one)
Thomas Heptner & Tory Pettit: Scary Movie 5
Seth Henning: Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Ashley Symder: Scary Movie

Scary movies are a fun way to hang out with friends, or just something for the end of the day. There are six total Scream movies already made. The film makers are working on creating number seven.
Our favorite scary movie is the Conjuring. 

By Britney Brooner and Amie Fisher