Wednesday, January 8, 2014

3...2...1 New Year's Resolutions!

Resolutions made by the KMS/KES school staff range from living a healthier lifestyle to more hunting. As we walked around the school asking the staff what their new year’s resolutions were, we got lots of different answers. Mr. Waldschmidt, the teacher all about hunting, wants to hunt more next year, and plans to achieve this by making more time to go. Preschool Para, Samantha Youngers, wants to take better care of herself for the sake of her children, and plans to start by the first of February. We find that starting later makes it easier to not break your resolution.  Mrs. Hageman also plans to be healthier, she walks 3 to 4 times a week and is off to a great start! Mrs. Munz plans to exercise more to benefit herself.  Being bookworms, we find Mrs. Dixon’s resolution to be close to our hearts. She wants to read six books that would be good for her. She plans to achieve this by reading a book every two months. What a great way to start out the year! We can all learn a lesson from Mrs. Knoblauch’s resolution; she wants to try to be more patient by taking deep breaths.  When we asked Ms. Stimatze about her resolution, she said, “I don’t make resolutions, because you make it to break it.”  Now that you’ve heard theirs, what’s yours?

By: Brooke Raymond, Kate Reid, and Amie Fisher