Friday, May 1, 2015

School's Almost Out for Summer!!

Summertime is approaching for Kingman, and a lot of schools all over the United States, but have you ever wondered when schools in other countries are ending. Here schools starts around the 20th of August, and ends about the 20th of May.  In Chelmsford, England, the Boswells School starts the 3rd of September and ends the 22nd of July. That means their school starts fourteen days later and ends 31 days later. Most schools in the Province of Ontario in Canada start on September 1st and end on June 30th. This means they start twelve days later, and end forty days later. Moscow School District #281 starts school on the 1st of September, and ends school on the 5th of July. That means they start school twelve days later, and end school 48 days later. Though a lot of these schools have more school time, they usually have more days off. This gives you a comparison of our school system with those of other countries.

By Ian Rottering