On April 13, Kingman Elementary/Middle School will be having no school. The day will be a teachers' in-service day, that means only teachers will go to the school. Teachers usually have an idea of what goes on at school on a in-service day, but the kids usually don’t. On the last late start day on March 30, the teachers talked about things going on in the school. One of the things they talked about was changes to tornado drills. Another thing they talked about is how they could increase school attendance, and they looked at the suggested schedule. They talked about the results of the Seminar survey in February. For the teacher in-service day on April 13, teachers will have to be in Mr. Conard’s Room by 7:45. There they will talk about a variety of things. A lot of the things will be about how to change the school, and feedback from the teachers about past changes. From around 8:15 - 9:15 teachers get into the PLC groups to discuss the topics that are given to them and discuss other topics as needed.
By Ian Rottering