Friday, April 24, 2015

Dream Job!!

 What is your dream job?  At least once in our lives we have thought what our dream jobs would be.  Students from KMS/KES were asked the following question: “What is your dream job?”  Kaleb Mark said his dream job was to join the military, but he never specified what branch he would like to join. Caitlyn Myrick and Hailey Neises said their dream jobs were become veterinarians. Vets are basically animal doctors, so they do whatever doctors do, but for animals. Wyatt Smith said his dream job is to become a drummer in a well-known band. Laythan Martin wanted to become a cop, but he didn’t know what kind of cop yet. Logan Webb said he wanted to become a rockstar for a band that he wanted to make in the future; he wants to play guitar in the band. Finally, Abigail Clover said she wanted to become a scientist and create and find new things.

By: Nathan Myrick and Alex Bennett

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Getting to Know You

Getting to Know the Middle School Students
The middle school students were asked these questions:
What was the first thing you learned to cook?
Cady Zoeller: macaroni
Deanna Cheatum: pancakes
Bobbi Fairchild: eggs
Karli Packard: spaghetti
Bailey Taylor: macaroni
Logan Buhler: macaroni
Dakota Hansard: I don’t know
Owen Pearce: macaroni
What was your first concert?
Cady: Hannah Montana
Deanna: Styx/Kansas
Bobbi: Jackyl
Karli: Eric Church
Bailey: This Weekend
Logan: Taylor Swift
Dakota: None
Owen: None
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
Cady: Peter
Deanna: Owen
Bobbi: Austin
Karli: Cameron
Bailey: Riley
Logan: Destinee
Dakota: Bailey
Owen: Makayla
What’s Your favorite holiday:
Cady: Halloween
Deanna: Halloween
Bobbi: Christmas
Karli: Christmas
Bailey: Christmas
Logan: Christmas
Dakota: Thanksgiving
Owen: Christmas

by Taij McClaflin

Summer Plans!

Kingman Middle School students and staff were asked if they had any plans for the summer. Some of the students and staff are having just a laid back summer, while others are going out of state and whatever else!

Cady Zoeller- Swimming & hanging out with friends
Bobbi Fairchild- Working
Dakota Hansard- Going to Kansas City
Logan Buehler- Going to his dad’s
Bailey Taylor- Going to Texas
Karli Packard- Playing Sports
Madelyn Huhman- Hanging with friends and going to the swimming pool
John Molitor- Go swimming
Owen Pearce- Ride Bikes & Race with friends
Abby Wells- Playing softball and hanging with friends
Noah Smith- Go up to Wilson Lake
Mr. Wilmott- Going to St. Louis and going fishing
Caleb Mark- Going swimming
Payton Willert- Go swimming
Anna Livingston- Going to Colorado
Allison Knoblauch- Sports and swimming
Andrew Reed- MAYB and sleeping a lot
Mrs. Knoblauch- Teaching summer school and chasing my children around with their activities
Mrs. Austin- Taking the FBLA kids to Chicago, Illinois

 by Deanna Cheatum

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Get Some Rest!!!

Kingman Middle/Elementary School has a late start on Monday the 27. What will they be doing on the 27? Riley Johnson will be riding his BMX bike in the morning.  Bailey Taylor, Josie Albin, Abby Wells, Cady Zoeller, Deanna Cheatum and Nate Myrick will be all sleeping in. Taij McClaflin will be staying up so she will sleep.

Why is it good to get an extra hour of sleep? It’s good to get an extra hour of sleep because there have been around 33% of students reported falling asleep in school. Clearer thinking would be another reason because sleep loss affects how you think, it impairs your cognition, your attention and your decision-making. Studies have found that people who are sleep-deprived are substantially worse at solving logic or math problems than when you are well-rested.

Sooooo, get some rest!!

By: Noah Smith

Monday, April 6, 2015

Day Off!!


What are your plans for Friday the 3rd of April? We have no school! Some middle school students were asked the question “What are your plans on Good Friday?” The responses are down below.

Madelyn Huhman: Going to Great Wolf Lodge
Kelly Krehbiel: Doing whatever she feels like doing
Riley Krehbiel: Nothing
Riley Johnson: Going racing
Dakota Hansard: Racing with Riley
Jace Garrison: Going camping
Cady Zoeller: Hanging with friends
Taij McClaflin: Hanging with her boyfriend and her family
Bobbi Fairchild: Sleeping and then going to Wichita
Noah Smith: Grandfather is coming to visit
Bailey Beck: Watch Netflix all day
Alex Bennett: Play video games
Nathan Myrick: Possibly go outside

by Deanna Cheatum

Teacher Inservice Day

On April 13, Kingman Elementary/Middle School will be having no school. The day will be a teachers' in-service day, that means only teachers will go to the school. Teachers usually have an idea of what goes on at school on a in-service day, but the kids usually don’t. On the last late start day on March 30, the teachers talked about things going on in the school. One of the things they talked about was changes to tornado drills. Another thing they talked about is how they could increase school attendance, and they looked at the suggested schedule. They talked about the results of the Seminar survey in February. For the teacher in-service day on April 13, teachers will have to be in Mr. Conard’s Room by 7:45. There they will talk about a variety of things. A lot of the things will be about how to change the school, and feedback from the teachers about past changes. From around 8:15 - 9:15 teachers get into the PLC groups to discuss the topics that are given to them and discuss other topics as needed.

By Ian Rottering

Happy Easter!

Easter was on April 5, which was the first Sunday of the month.  Easter celebrates Christ’s resurrection.  Many Christians think that the bunny and the eggs are a distraction to people, and they don’t remember Jesus’ resurrection.  However, most Christian churches have the service and then afterwards they have an Easter egg hunt.  There were two questions asked to some students at Kingman Middle School.  The first question was, “What are you doing this Easter?”  Some answers were:  going to grandma's, Easter stuff, going to church, eating food, hanging with the family, going to grandparents, doing family stuff, church, and more family.  The second question was, “Have you seen the Easter bunny?”  Some answers were:  no, nah, yaaas, negatory, no, yes, yeh, no.  It appears not many people go to see the Easter bunny now.  Anyway, hope you had an amazing Easter!

By Alexander Bennett

Music Contest

On April 8th, the Kingman Middle School eighth grade choir and band are going to take part in the Music Contests. At the contest, they have chosen four different songs to sing. The songs they all sing together are Old Dan Tucker arranged by Neil Ginsberg, Come to Me, O My Love arranged by Allan Petker, Beautiful December arranged by Amy F. Bernon, and No More Sailor Songs arranged by John Parker. Two of the four songs that they sing, Come to Me, O My Love and Old Dan Tucker, the entire eighth grade sings together. While the other two are ensemble pieces, Beautiful December for the girls, and No More Sailor Songs for the guys. Some students that are participating in the contests were asked, "What is your favorite piece?"  Ian Rottering, Dylan Darling, and Adam Schwartz chose No More Sailor Songs as their favorite of the pieces. Wyatt Smith, Bailey Beck, and Alex Bennett chose Come to Me, O My Love as their favorite. Old Dan Tucker was the favorite to Noah Smith and Cady Zoeller. And lastly, Deanna Cheatum chose the female ensemble piece, Beautiful December as her favorite of the four.

By Nathan Myrick