What is your favorite type of meat, pork or beef? Mrs. Austin’s, Kane Milford’s, Cory Drake’s, Garrett Willert’s, Lucas Streight’s, Kasey Pickett’s, Mrs. Huelskamp’s, and Eric Fairchild’s favorite is beef, and Alex Bennett’s is pork. Did you know that pigs will eat anything, even if its a cancerous growth on another pig. Also, the meat and fat on a pig can absorb toxins like a sponge, which means their meat can be thirty times more toxic than a cows. A pig does not perspire, which is where toxins are removed from the body so the toxins stay in its body. Pigs are so poisonous that you can hardly kill them with strychnine or other poisons.
Cows have four parts to their stomachs and can detect smells up to six miles away. They also seem to have friends and when they are separated, they show signs of stress. There’s also a milk for you if you are lactose intolerant, which is soy milk. The weirdest fact about cows is that they can walk up stairs, but not down due to their legs not bending properly
By: Bailey Beck