Friday, February 13, 2015

Snack Time!!

What’s your favorite snack??. Deanna Cheatum’s is chocolate dipped strawberries. Ian Rottering’s is M&M’s. Garrett Willert’s favorite snack is zebra cakes. Did you know zebra cakes are low in sodium and has no cholesterol? Noah Smith’s is Milky Way. Taij McClaflin’s favorite is a banana. Lucas Streight’s favorite is Skittles. Did you know the amount of Skittles in a package varies from the weight of it? The numbers can range from 23 to 58 to 95 in one pack! Cady Zoeller’s is Fruit Roll-Ups. Did you know that M&M’s stands for Mars and Murries? Alex Bennett’s favorite snack is Hot Cheetos. Eric Fairchild’s favorite snack is Slim Jims. Mrs. Austin’s favorite snack is a pear and her favorite candy is Twix. 

By Nathan Myrick