Friday, January 9, 2015

How Peppy Are Middle Schoolers???

Do you like pep rallies? The middle schoolers were asked questions about pep rallies.  For the first question, “Do you like pep rallies?” - thirty-six out of thirty-six people said yes. For the second question, “Do you participate in the pep rallies” - twenty-seven out of thirty-four people said yes. For the third question, “What should they do during the pep rallies” - Deanna Cheatum said the cookie challenge, which is when you put a cookie on your eye and try to get it to your mouth without using your hands. For the fourth question, “Do you think they should have more?” - thirty-nine out of thirty-nine people said yes. For the fifth question, “Do you think they should have them year round, throughout the year?” - thirty-five out of thirty-five people said yes. For the sixth question, “Do you think they are too short or too long?” - thirty-two people said too short, five people said perfect and no one said said too long. After looking at these results, most middle like pep rallies.

by Taij McClaflin