Monday, January 27, 2014

Strange and Awesome Animals

The mantis shrimp is known to be one of the most creatively violent animals on earth. The speed of its murder sticks is around the same velocity of a 22. Caliber rifle. If humans could accelerate their arms at 1/10 of that speed, we could throw baseballs into orbit. They can come in many different colors ranging from grey to neon. They can be 6 to 12 inches. They have 16 color receptive cones, so they can see colors that our brains can’t even imagine or process. Their claws are also being studied for advanced body armor possibilities. They use their claws to dismember their pray, so they can eat them. Mantis shrimp can be deadly because they can break through aquarium glass. The mantis shrimp has a very cool appearance. They are found in shallow warm waters.

By Storm Phillips