Friday, January 24, 2014

Say What???

When we searched for the most unknown words in the English language, we found a site called There we found the word “Mungo." We decided to ask students what they thought the word meant, and boy were they wrong!  Brant Harnden and Kyle Livingston, 8th graders, thought it meant something fast. Mattie Kinsler, another 8th grader, thought it was a monkey on the go. John Molitor, a 7th grader, and Kelsey Williams, an 8th grader, thought it was a fruit. Abby Wells and Cameron Boydson, both 7th graders, thought it was a type of animal. Garret Willertt, a 7th grader, thought it was an instrument. Then there was Kane Milford, a 7th grader, who thought it was a mix between a monk and a mango. When we told them what it really meant, they looked at us funny. 

Mungo: A dumpster diver.

By Kate Reid and Brooke Raymond